Product Description
Principles of Service Marketing and Management, Second Edition, is designed to complement the materials found in traditional marketing principles texts. It avoids sweeping and often misleading generalizations about services, recognizing explicitly that the differences between specific categories of services (based on the nature of the underlying service process) may be as important to student understanding as the broader differences between goods marketing and services marketing.
From the Back Cover
Principles of Service Marketing and Management, Second Edition, is designed to complement the materials found in traditional marketing principles texts. It avoids sweeping and often misleading generalizations about services, recognizing explicitly that the differences between specific categories of services (based on the nature of the underlying service process) may be as important to student understanding as the broader differences between goods marketing and services marketing.
About the Author
Christopher Lovelock is one of the pioneers of services marketing. Based in Massachusetts, he gives seminars and workshops for managers around the world and also teaches an MBA service marketing course at the Yale School of Management. His distinguished academic career has included 11 years on the faculty of the Harvard Business School and two years as a visiting professor at IMD in Switzerland. He has also held appointments at Berkeley, Stanford, and the Sloan School at MIT, as well as visiting professorships at The University of Queensland in Australia and at both INSEAD and Theseus Institute in France. Christopher obtained a BCom and an MA in economics from the University of Edinburgh, then worked in advertising with the London office of J. Walter Thompson Co. and in corporate planning with Canadian Industries Ltd. in Montreal. Later, he obtained an MBA from Harvard and a PhD from Stanford. Author or coauthor of over 60 articles, more than 100 teaching cases, and 26 books, he serves on the editorial review boards of the International Journal of Service Industry Management, Journal of Service Research, and Service Industries Journal. He is a recipient of the American Marketing Association's Award for Career Contributions to the Services Discipline and a best article award from the Journal of Marketing. He has also been recognized for excellence in case writing and in 2000 won the Business Week European Case Award.
Lauren Wright is a professor and former marketing department chair at California State University Chico. In 1998, she was a visiting faculty fellow at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand.Winner of several awards for outstanding undergraduate teaching, Lauren has been recognized as a Master Teacher at CSU Chico and consults with faculty campus-wide on effective teaching techniques. Her name is listed in the 1998 publication Who's Who Among America's Teachers and Strathmore's Who's Who for 1999-2000. She is past chair of the American Marketing Association's Special Interest Group for Services Marketing (SERVSIG), founded the annual SERVSIG Doctoral Consortium, and has served as research director for the International Service Quality Association. She has published numerous articles on service quality, new service success, business process redesign, and innovative teaching pedagogies and has presented her research findings at many national and international conferences. She holds a BS from the University of Oregon and MBA and PhD degrees from Pennsylvania State University, where she won the Marketing Science Doctoral Dissertation Award for her work on the factors affecting new service success.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
The service sector of the economy can best be characterized by its diversity. No single conceptual model can serve to embrace organizations ranging in size from huge international corporations (in fields such as airlines, banking, insurance, telecommunications, hotel chains, and freight transportation) to locally owned and operated small businesses such as restaurants, laundries, taxis, optometrists, and many business-to-business services. So, the goal of this book is to provide a carefully designed toolbox for service managers, teaching students how different frameworks and analytical procedures can best be used to examine the varied challenges faced by managers in different service settings.
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