Even professionals with many, many years in their fields find it useful to have on hand resource and reference materials which can provide support for current activities and stimulation for new ones...
Environmental Monitoring Handbook includes sections on water, soils & sediments, the atmosphere and data analysis. Edited by a group of professionals with chapters written by 42 different authors, the book provides a wealth of thoughtful approaches and solid science; an area which is only going to grow in importance in the coming years. The lead editor, Mr. Frank Burden, prefaces the book by stating that he hopes it "will stimulate a cross-fertilization of ideas across the environmental monitoring community." This cross fertilization might provide all of us a means to address many of the concerns expressed by regulators, the media and the general public, to the lasting benefit of the industry and society in general. The greatest value of the book may lie in its gathering a large variety of approaches and methods all in one place. (Battery Man )
Product Description
All the techniques you need in a single source! Environmental Monitoring Handbook helps you with the most pervasive activity in environmental science --taking and analyzing environmental samples from water, air or land.
This book explains how to implement the various monitoring techniques for air, water, and soil.
Environmental Monitoring Handbook shows you how to get professional answers with the best testing and analysis methods in use today. The Handbook covers such topics as: Data Sampling and Analysis, Statistics, Sampling design, Scale reduction (PCA) Monitoring Program Design and Logistics, Chemical Monitoring, In-situ Measurements, Trace metals, Nutrients, Non Metal Species, Organic Matter, Organic Carbon, Biological Monitoring, and Ecotoxicological Monitoring.
From the Back Cover
Here is the first book to bring together and fully explain the analytical methods and procedures used or every aspect of the environment – water, soil, and air. Designed to be the first point of reference for anyone wanting to monitor environmental variables, the Handbook examines all the methods and problems associated with each monitoring method.
Edited by an international team of four hands-on experts, Environmental Monitoring Handbook covers all types of monitoring including:
* Chemical
* Biological
* Hydrological
* Ectotoxological
* Microbiological
* Physical
You'll also find a thorough discussion of data analysis and experimental design as they pertain to environmental monitoring.
If you're looking for a single definitive source of environmental monitoring information, your search ends here.
About the Author
Frank R. Burden is an associate professor in the School of Chemistry at Monash University and a member of the Water Studied Centre and the Australian Cooperative Research Centre for Fresh Water Ecology. He has a wide variety of interests from environmental monitoring, heavy metal pollution and atmospheric chemistry through quantum chemistry and the quantitative structure-activity relationship of medical drugs and toxic compounds. His current area of activity is in data analysis, chemometrics and modeling
Ulrich Forstner is a professor of Environmental Science and Engineering at the University of Technology of Hamburg-Harbuurg, Germany, since 1982. He served previously as a lecturer and scientist at the Institute of Sediment Research, University of Heidelberg. His current focus is on geochemical technologies for large-volume solid waste materials, including mine wastes, incineration residues, dredged sediments, and contaminated soil. He is also Vice-Chairman of the Water Chemistry Association of the German Chemical Society and board member of 12 scientific and advisory groups.
Ian D. McKelvie is an associate professor in the School of Chemistry at Monash University, where he teaches Environmental and Analytical Chemistry. He is associated with the Water Studies Centre at Monash University and the Australian Cooperative Research Centre for Fresh Water Ecology, and his research interests focus on water quality assessment, the biochemical cycling of phosphorus in freshwater and estuarine systems, and the development of automated water quality measurement techniques based on Flow Injection Analysis.
Alex Guenther is a staff scientist and leader of the biosphere-atmosphere interactions group in the Atmospheric Chemistry Division of the National Center for Atmospheric Research. He has led laboratory, field, and numerous investigations of trace gas fluxes in North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America.
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